Tips for Home Security at Christmas
During the season of good will to all men, it can be so easy to get caught up in the festive spirit, and forget to take simple precautions against crime. Nobody really wants to be thinking of such things during...
During the season of good will to all men, it can be so easy to get caught up in the festive spirit, and forget to take simple precautions against crime. Nobody really wants to be thinking of such things during...
I own couple of medium sized off licence shops in a town centre, and for the last few months things have been really tight with the business. Along with increasing rent costs, we have found that shrinkage has increased notably,...
A crime has taken place on your property, but when you try and check the recorder for footage in the morning you find it lost power at some point in the night. Was there a power cut? Did the network...
Scenario I am retiring this year, and with some initial trepidation I have jumped in the deep end (so to speak) and purchased a narrow boat, so me and my wife can fulfll a long ambition in spending our days...
I help manage a small warehouse property on a trading estate. Recently there has been some break-ins on other properties on the estate, so we are now looking at improving our security systems. We have a small security office by the entrance of the property, across the car park from the warehouse, and want to have security monitors in this office viewing 4 cameras in the warehouse. Unfortunately we can’t run a cable, as it would have to pass over the car park, and we still need vandal proof cameras, so we’ve been told wired cameras with transmitters are the way to go. The prices for 4 transmitter packs however are quite expensive, and way beyond our budget. Are there any ways we can have a similar set up for within our budget, perhaps using an IR repeater?
Perhaps counterintuitively, one of the things that often separates professional security cameras from lower quality CCTV equipment is that professional cameras almost never feature built-in microphones. Whilst the most basic wireless cameras have compact built-in microphones, even the most fully-specced...
Scenario Over the course of 2 years now, I have been the victim of increasingly aggressive abuse from my neighbours. Beginning with a minor altercation after one of their children trampled my Rose bed, it has since escalated to shouting...
I have recently adopted a lovely terrier from a dog’s home. He has a relaxed temperament and is already house trained, so should be OK to leave at home when I am away at my part time job. I would however like some to be able to keep an eye on him whilst I am at the office, just so I can check that he hasn’t made a mess on the carpet, or burrowed his way into the kitchen! Is monitoring a dog while at work possible to do this with a CCTV or an IP camera? The only computer I have is my laptop, which I have to take with me to work, will this pose a problem?
I am the owner of a small corner shop and newsagent’s on a local high street. Over the last few months we have had quite a severe problem with shoplifters targeting the store, and I need to find a Shop...
I work in the accounts department in a medium sized company selling Business to Business. Recently, I have been concerned that other people in the office have been reading private and sensitive documents kept in my desk drawer. Only a few people have access to the office, but I need a covert surveillance system to catch one of them red handed in order to prove my case to management. Is there anything I can install in my drawer to record one of them in the act?
This week sees the return of a popular feature on our blog, our exclusive Spycam Scenarios. In each post, we will break down a common real world security problem for our customers, and explain the best solution using our expert product knowledge! This week we look at what is unfortunately an all-too-common situation for small retail business…