Ask an Expert: What is the simplest CCTV system to install?
Q: I need to install a multi camera CCTV system in my home, but the extra expense of an installer is out of the question at the moment! What is your absolute simplest CCTV system to install for a new user? Some of the cameras will be mounted in awkward places, so a Wireless system would really be the most convenient option if possible, but that only seems to complicate things further with all of the receiving units required!

A: It is true that security systems can often be nothing short of baffling for the uninitiated, and the prospect of installing them even more so! Breaking it down to its component parts, a Wireless CCTV kit will have to include these three devices-
- Receiver– As its name suggests the sole job for this piece of kit is to pick up the wireless signal being transmitted by the cameras. They can usually be identified by the plastic aerials sticking out of the back. If you want to use it with several cameras, it’s essential to make sure you have a receiver with the corresponding number of channels, otherwise you’ll have to switch between them one by one.
- Recorder– Again, the name says it all! These devices contain either a memory card or hard drive, and store your footage. This is essentially the brains of the system, and is where you set up things like Motion Detection and Scheduled recording.
- Monitor– Every CCTV system also needs some way of viewing the footage. Most recorders can work as standalone devices without being attached to a monitor constantly. Even so, you will still need to able to access one in order to set up the recorder and play back footage.

Obviously, in some situations it can be frustrating to get connect all of these together, especially in some installations where you have to end up running wiring between rooms. Luckily, we have just the kits to help reduce this stress- our Digital Wireless CCTV monitor sets! The sets come with an option of between 1 to 4 indoor or outdoor cameras, using the latest low interference signal technology. Importantly for the matter at hand, these great systems take all three of the components above, and combine them into one easy to use device! The combination wireless receiver, SD card recorder and 7” TFT Monitor is nice and compact, and means you have one central device to control your home’s security.

It’s also worth mentioning that in some situations, a wired system can counter intuitively be a bit easier to get up and running. If your property has many WiFi networks for example, getting many wireless cameras to work without interference can be time consuming and frustrating, potentially requiring adjustments to your router. In these situations, it’s often easiest to go for a basic wired CCTV kit, meaning you can be sure of a clean signal.